An Iranian woman at a bakery

Bread Price Surge Grips Over Half Iran's Provinces

Monday, 08/07/2023

Alarming reports reveal that the cost of bread has surged in more than 15 provinces across Iran with calls for immediate support.

Lawmaker Salman Es’haghi urged action from the regime. He warned: "Denial by some politicians notwithstanding, the reality is stark. Bread prices have increased by over 40% in more than 15 provinces. This has sparked significant public dismay and concern."

Es’haghi also voiced concerns over potential shortages of essential commodities. "The scarcity of [baby] formula [milk] has already escalated into a crisis in certain provinces. Moreover, if negligence persists in managing the supply of medicines, we could confront shortages during autumn and winter."

The Mehr News Agency has now raised concerns about possible bread price increases in other regions, including the capital, Tehran, as early as mid-August.

Approximately ten days ago, Ahmed Keshtgar, Head of the Mashhad Bakers Union, announced a 40% bread price increase in Khorasan Razavi province, with plans for a gradual nationwide implementation. Meanwhile, Interior Minister Ahmed Vahidi last week downplayed the bread price surge as mere speculation.

A shift in policy regarding bread pricing occurred when Mohammad Jalal, the Director of the Flour and Bread Subsidy Smart Plan, announced in early July that the decision on bread prices would be devolved to provincial authorities.

Amidst these developments, Jahan Sanat newspaper reported that some service providers, including bus drivers, have leveraged the pretext of bread price increases to raise their service rates in specific areas of Tehran.

The crisis is worrying the regime as the anniversary of the death in morality policy custody of Mahsa Amini draws near and tensions across Iran are already rising.

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